Authorship Discussion

Today in class we discussed the idea that everyone is an author, by way of defining what it means to be an author. On Google Classroom, I have attached the discussion guide. We read the Introduction from Everyone’s an Author. After reading we enlightened our ideas of authorship in modern times.

We collected a few implications from the idea that everyone is an author. As homework, students are writing about this topic. The prompt and assignment can also be found on Google Classroom.

Welcome to English 1010!

Hello Students!

Today in class I gave a brief explanation of this UVU Concurrent Enrollment Course. I hope I answered most of your questions in class, but if you have a questions, please email me or ask me in class tomorrow. I will be going over the syllabus and other material in class tomorrow after our introductions.

As per your assignment, I have posted instructions on accessing Google Classroom here.
Step 1: Go to or download the Google Classroom app.
Step 2: Sign in using your student email address and password.
Step 3: Join the correct class by locating the + sign in the upper left corner of the screen. If you are a first time user, you will first need to select that you are a student, then it will take you to a screen with a chalkboard and the + sign mentioned previously (it may look different in the app). Choose Join Class and type in the code for your class period.
1st Period: h3ryj2
3rd Period: mlucq5v
5th Period: vquvpw
Make sure you are joining the correct section. This is a true test of your ability to follow instructions, and undoing this mistake is not easy.
Step 4: Follow along with the tutorial provided by Google.
Step 5: Open your assignment description and get to work!

For 1 point toward your assignment, and proof you found this webpage, leave a comment below (ask a question, say hi, make a suggestion,etc). Please don’t be a troll.

If you have problems, problem solve to the best of your ability, and email me if all else fails. See you in class tomorrow for your 1 minute intros!

Here is my example Intro Pic Collage